
October 2018:
Since 2010 NorStar Corporation (NSC) has successfully deployed a number of commercial standard-pressure aeroponic irrigation systems. When properly deployed, a typical standard-pressure (4 to 6 bar) aeroponics system is known to produce about four times the yield of other forms of hydroponic solutions like Nutrient Film Technology (NFT) or aquaponics. It is very well established that Aeroponics is more conducive to better root formation; that combined with better aeration translates to better plant health and higher yield.

In 2017, NSC's engineers started the development of NSC's 1st commercial high-pressure aeroponic irrigation system.  In 2018, NSC successfully deployed the market’s 1st commercial high-pressure aeroponic irrigation system (AKA, fogoponic). NSC’s high-pressure aeroponic system operating at a working pressure of 50 to 70 bars became the first commercial system of its kind equipped with the most optimal nutrient delivery means researched by NASA. 

NSC’s high-pressure aeroponics deliver nutrients with aerosols having an average diameter of 30μm. The system is equipped with high-pressure sensors and frequency controlled variable speed pumps that ensure the system always operates at the programmed pressure level. The computerized means and apps developed by NSC enable the operator to seamlessly, either locally or remotely via computer, mobile phone, or a tablet, view, control, and configure the system to suite plants' development stage. In addition, the system is governed by a fully automatic computerized nutrient management controller that constantly maintains nutrients pH and EC to prices preprogrammed levels. 

Like NSC' standard-pressure predecessors, HSC's high-pressure aeroponic system is designed with fail-safe features and redundancies that assure the delivery of nutrients to the plants under any extreme pump failure. 
With the introduction of a new product line of high-pressure aeroponic systems NSC took aeroponic farming to a new level. Prior to NSC' introduction of high-pressure aeroponics, NSC's standard-pressure aeroponic systems deployed in the production of potato seed by our affiliated companies Vital Seeds, Inc. and Vital Farms B.V. sat astonishing per-plant yield records. Records that as is were well on target to revamp the propagation process of potato seed on a global scale. However, in the 4th quarter of 2018, when our 1st high-pressure aeroponic system was put to use for the production of potato seed by Vital Seeds, inc., we were pleasantly surprised by the attained yield data. We immediately noticed and were able to confirm that at high pressure the droplets of the nutrient fog that engulfed plants' roots were more uniform and consistent, which induced plants to develop finer hair-roots ( AKA trichoblasts). Our initial research data confirmed that by switching from standard-pressure to high-pressure aeroponics we were able to increase the yield of potato plants in excess of two fold, which confirmed that the trichoblasts improved plants absorption of nutrients and as a results boosted plants' yield to levels that exceeded our foreseen expectations.

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